
Illustration of people toasting with beer (women)

Illustration of people toasting with beer (male)

Illustrations of people who work together and cooperate

Illustrations of people who work together and cooperate

Illustrations of people who work together and cooperate

Illustrations of people who work together and cooperate

Illustration of women doing group gymnastics

Illustration of men doing kumi gymnastics

Illustration of men doing kumi gymnastics

Illustration of women doing group gymnastics

Illustration of a woman walking closely with a visually impaired person

Illustration of a man walking closely with a visually impaired person

Illustration of teammates and teamwork

Illustration of teammate teamwork (male)

Illustration of teammate teamwork (male)

Illustration of a woman who encourages colleagues

Illustration of teammates and teamwork

Illustration of teammate teamwork (female)

Illustration of teammate teamwork (female)

Illustration of a woman who encourages friends

Illustration of a man who encourages friends

Illustration of a man who encourages a colleague