
Illustration of a lost person (woman)

Illustration of a lost person (male)

Illustration of a lost person (woman)

Illustration of a lost person (male)

Illustration of a person (grandmother) looking at a map on a smartphone

Illustration of a person (grandfather) looking at a map on a smartphone

Illustration of a woman looking at a map on a smartphone

Illustration of a man looking at a map on a smartphone

Illustration of a person (female) ordering food delivery online

Illustration of a man (male) ordering food delivery online

Illustration of a person (female) who asks for food delivery by phone

Illustration of a man (male) asking for food delivery over the phone

Illustration of a female elementary school student taking an online class

Illustration of a male elementary school student taking an online class

Illustration of a woman taking an online class

Illustration of a male student taking an online class

Illustration of a female high school student and junior high school girl taking an online class

Illustration of male high school and junior high school students taking online classes

Illustration of the person making the call (grandmother)

Illustration of the person making the call (grandfather)

Illustration of a high school and junior high school girl making a phone call

Illustration of a high school and junior high school girl making a phone call