
Illustration of a woman slowing down a bicycle’s hand signal

Illustration of bicycle hand signal, left (woman)

Illustration of a man slowing down a bicycle’s hand signal

Illustration of bicycle hand signal, right (woman)

Illustration of bicycle hand signal, left (male)

Illustration of bicycle hand signal, right stop (male)

Illustration of a woman slowing down a bicycle’s hand signal

Illustration of bicycle hand signal, right stop (male)

Illustration of bicycle hand signal, left (woman)

Illustration of a woman riding a bicycle with a child wearing a helmet

Illustration of rules for bicycles to run in the right lane

Illustration of a child (boy) riding a bicycle wearing a helmet

Illustration of a cyclist (male) driving on a sidewalk in priority for pedestrians

Illustration of rules for bicycles to run in the left lane

Illustration of a child (girl) riding a bicycle wearing a helmet

Illustration of bicycle traffic rules

Illustration of a man riding on a bicycle on a driveway

Illustration of rules for bicycles to pass on the left

Illustration of a man riding on a bicycle on a driveway

Illustration of hand signal (hand sign) of bicycle and first go (woman)

Illustration of hand signal (hand sign) of bicycle and getting to go first (male)

Illustration of bicycle hand signal (hand sign) and right (female)