
Illustration of surveyor (female)

Illustration of surveyor (male)

Illustration of land and house surveyor (female)

Illustration of land and house surveyor (male)

Illustration of politician and city councilor (grandmother)

Illustration of politician and city councilor (grandfather)

Illustration of a politician and city councillor (woman)

Illustration of a politician and city councillor (male)

Illustration of condominium manager (woman)

Illustration of condominium manager (male)

Illustration of real estate consultant, real estate appraiser, and housing building transaction chief (woman)

Illustration of real estate consultant, real estate appraiser, and housing building transaction chief (male)

Illustrations of judges

Illustration of a judge (old lady)

Illustration of a judge (grandfather)

Illustration of the judge (male)

Illustration of a judge (woman)

Illustration of secretary (woman)

Illustration of secretary (woman)

Illustration of lawyers and paralegals (women)

Illustration of lawyers and paralegals (men)

Illustration of intellectual property (female)