
Illustration of a motorcycle racer (male)

Illustration of a motorcycle racer (female)

Illustration of stage actors and stage actresses

Illustration of an actor/actress

Illustration of a comedian (female)

Illustration of comedian (male)

Illustration of a voice actor (male)

Illustration of a voice actor (female)

Illustration of a voice actor (female)

Illustration of a voice actor (male)

Illustration of radio personality (female)

Illustration of radio personality (male)

Illustration of DJ (Male)

Illustration of DJ (Female)

Illustration of a person (female) playing an electronic piano

Illustration of a man playing an electronic piano

Illustration of the acoustic staff (male)

Illustration of a man singing a song

Illustration of a woman who sings a song

Illustration of sound creator (female)

Illustration of sound creator (male)

Illustration of the acoustic staff (female)