
Illustration of a video creator (male)

Illustration of a video creator (female)

Illustration of a speed reporter (male)

Illustration of a speed reporter (female)

Illustration of a copywriter (male)

Illustration of a copywriter (female)

Illustration of a cinematography assistant (female)

Illustration of cinematography assistant (male)

Illustration of a cinematography assistant (female)

Illustration of cinematography assistant (male)

Illustration of a book designer and a binding house (woman)

Illustration of a book designer and a binding house (male)

Illustration of a book designer and a binding house (male)

Illustration of a book designer and a binding house (woman)

Illustration of assistant director (male)

Illustration of Assistant Director (Female)

Illustration of a broadcast writer (male)

Illustration of a broadcast writer (female)

Illustration of a picture book writer (female)

Illustration of a picture book writer (male)

Illustration of a novelist and screenwriter (male)

Illustration of a novelist and screenwriter (female)