
Illustration of a person (female) who has been a good doctor

Illustration of a patient (female) who hits a doctor with a bad reputation

Illustration of a patient (male) who hits a doctor with a bad reputation

Illustration of an elementary school student (girl) having an interview with a teacher

Illustration of an elementary school student (boy) having an interview with a teacher

Illustration of a male high school student and a male junior high school student interviewing a teacher

Illustration of a female high school student and junior high school girl interviewing a teacher

Illustration of an elementary school teacher (male) giving a lesson

Illustration of a teacher (female) who is teaching

Illustration of a teacher (male) taking a class

Illustration of a teacher (female) who is teaching

Illustration of a teacher (male) taking a class

Illustration of a care worker (male) pushing a wheelchair

Illustration of a care worker (female) pushing a wheelchair

Illustration of a person in a wheelchair (grandfather) and a visiting caregiver (male) pushing

Illustration of a person in a wheelchair (grandmother) and a visiting caregiver (female) pushing

Illustrations of doctors (male) and nurses (female)

Illustrations of doctors (female) and nurses (male)

Illustration of a doctor (female)

Illustration of a doctor (male)

Illustration of a doctor (male)

Illustration of a doctor (female)