
Illustration of chef (man) seasoning dishes

Illustration of chef (woman) seasoning dishes

Illustration of chef (man) taste of soup

Illustration of chef (woman) taste of soup

Illustration of chef (male) cracking eggs

Illustration of chef (woman) cracking eggs

Illustration of chef (man) washing vegetables

Illustration of chef (woman) washing vegetables

Illustration of chef (man) stewing ingredients

Illustration of chef (woman) stewing ingredients

Illustration of chef (woman) cutting ingredients

Illustration of chef (man) cutting ingredients

Illustration of chef (woman) cooking

Illustration of chef (man) cooking

Illustration of an army and soldier (female) progressing

Illustration of soldiers and military personnel (women)

Illustration of progressing army and soldiers (male)

Illustration of soldiers and military personnel (men)

Illustration of an elderly couple working together to harvest crops

Illustration of a family working together to harvest crops

Illustration of a woman spraying pesticides with a drone

Illustration of a man spraying pesticides with a drone