
Illustration of a person (female) who is moral harassment

Illustration of a person (male) who is moral harassment

Illustration of a person (male) who is moral harassment

Illustration of a person (female) who is moral harassment

Illustration of a boss (male) doing power harassment

Illustration of an old man who is harassing power

Illustration of a person (grandmother) who does second harassment

Illustration of a person (grandmother) who does second harassment

Illustration of a sexually harassed person (grandmother)

Illustration of a person (grandfather) who sexual harassment

Illustration of a man (male) who hooks his leg and falls over a person

Illustration of a man (male) who hooks his leg and falls over a person

Illustration of a man firing a gun

Illustration of a woman firing a gun

Illustration of a man (male) cutting with a kitchen knife

Illustration of a woman who cuts it with a kitchen knife

Illustration of a man who found suspicious luggage

Illustration of a woman who found suspicious luggage

Illustration of a man shooting a gun

Illustration of a woman shooting a gun

Illustration of a man shooting a gun

Illustration of a gun shooting person (grandmother)