Light vehicle

Illustration of a woman slowing down a bicycle’s hand signal

Illustration of a woman slowing down a bicycle’s hand signal

Illustration of a man slowing down a bicycle’s hand signal

Illustration of bicycle hand signal, left turn (male)

Illustration of hand signal of bicycle, right turn (male)

Illustration of a man slowing down a bicycle’s hand signal

Illustration of a man slowing down a bicycle’s hand signal

Illustration of a woman slowing down a bicycle’s hand signal

Illustration of bicycle hand signal, left (woman)

Illustration of a man slowing down a bicycle’s hand signal

Illustration of bicycle hand signal, right (woman)

Illustration of bicycle hand signal, left (male)

Illustration of bicycle hand signal, right stop (male)

Illustration of a woman slowing down a bicycle’s hand signal

Illustration of bicycle hand signal, right stop (male)

Illustration of bicycle hand signal, left (woman)

Illustration of a couple riding a bicycle

Illustration of people (men) running side by side on bicycles

Illustration of a woman riding a bicycle with a child wearing a helmet

Illustration of people (women) running side by side on bicycles

Illustration of rules for bicycles to run in the right lane

Illustration of a child (boy) riding a bicycle wearing a helmet