Public transportation

Illustration of an angry woman on the train

Illustration of a man who gets angry on the train

Illustration of a man who feels abdominal pain on the train

Illustration of a tired company employee (woman)

Illustration of a woman who feels abdominal pain on the train

Illustration of a tired office worker (man)

Illustration of a woman who looks a train

Illustration of a man who looks spicy on a train

Illustration of a crowded train

Illustration of virus infection in a crowded train

Illustration of virus infection (woman) on a train

Illustration of virus infection (man) on a train

Illustration of a train driver (woman)

Illustration of a train driver (male)

Illustration of the train

Illustration of Shinkansen

Illustration of Shinkansen

Illustration of London Bus

Illustration of a woman carrying a bag in front of her body in a crowded train

Illustration of a woman carrying a bag in front of her body on a train

Illustration of a man carrying a bag in front of his body on a train

Illustration of the umbrella left behind on the train