
Illustration of a woman in a rabbit costume

Illustration of a shining bear’s costume

Illustration of a police box

Illustration of a golf ball to be cup-in

Illustration of a detective (woman) investigating

Illustration of a detective (man) investigating

Illustration of a detective (woman)

Illustration of a detective (man)

Illustration of a detective (woman)

Illustration of a detective (man) with a loupe

Illustration of a woman who signs an incorrect answer

Illustration of a man who signs an incorrect answer

Illustration of a woman who signs the correct answer

Illustration of a man who signs the correct answer

Illustration of a man who doesn’t go on a diet

Illustration of a person (woman) who sidiet is not going well

Illustration of a homeless (man)

Illustration of a woman who feels uncomfortable smoking

Illustration of a working person (man) who smokes

Illustration of a woman who smokes

Illustration of a man who smokes

Illustration of a man with a strong smell of aging