
Illustration of a Paralympic table tennis player (a woman in a wheelchair)

Illustration of a Paralympic table tennis player (a man in a wheelchair)

Illustration of Paralympic swimmers (men)

Illustration of a sitting volleyball player (man) raising a toss

Illustration of a sitting volleyball player (woman) raising a toss

Illustration of a sitting volleyball player (man)

Illustration of a sitting volleyball player (woman)

Illustration of a man Paralympic shooter

Illustration of a woman Shooter at the Paralympic S

Illustration of a powerlifting athlete (man) at the Paralympics

Illustration of a powerlifting athlete (woman) at the Paralympics

Illustration of a goal ball player (woman)

Illustration of a blind soccer player (man)

Illustration of Paralympic cyclists (men riding hand bikes)

Illustration of Paralympic cyclists (men riding tandem bicycles)

Illustration of Boccia’s player (man)

Illustration of Boccia’s player (woman)

Illustration of A Badminton Player (A Man Hitting a Smash) at the Paralympics

Illustration of a badminton player (man) in a wheelchair

Illustration of a badminton player (woman) in a wheelchair

Illustration of badminton players (men) at the Paralympics

Illustration of Paralympic badminton player (woman hitting a smash)