
Illustration of a person (woman) studying for the examination

Illustration of a man operating a smartphone while studying

Illustration of a man calling while studying

Illustration of a man who keeps a household account book

Illustration of a woman who keeps a household account book

Illustration of a person (woman) who studies hard

Illustration of a person (man) who studies hard

Illustration of study desk

Illustration of aneurysm

Illustration of a man who disturbs his studies

Illustration of a man who doesn’t like studying

Illustration of learning disability (man)

Illustration of tongue disease and tongue pain (woman)

Illustration of a woman who disturbs her studies

Illustration of a woman who doesn’t like studying

Illustration of learning disability (woman)

Illustration of tongue disease and tongue pain (man)

Illustration of tongue disease and tongue pain (man)

Illustration of metal allergy (man)

Illustration of metal allergy (man)

Illustration of scleitis, carcinoma of the oes, and hernia of the cleft vents (male)

Illustration of scleitis, carcinoma of the oes, and hernia of the cleft vents (male)