
Illustration of an old man with a broken arm

Illustration of a woman with a broken arm

Illustration of maxillary sinus cancer (man)

Illustration of maxillary sinus cancer (man)

Illustration of a person with head injuries and head injuries (man)

Illustration of an old man (woman) with broken arm

Illustration of a man with a broken arm

Illustration of maxillary sinus cancer (woman)

Illustration of maxillary sinus cancer (woman)

Illustration of a woman eating sweets while working

Illustration of a person (man) who comes to work

Illustration of a person (man) leaving the office

Illustration of a man who comtorts overtime

Illustration of a man eating sweets while working

Illustration of a person (woman) who comes to work

Illustration of a person (woman) leaving the office

Illustration of a person (woman) forcing overtime work

Illustration of a man who came to work late

Illustration of a person (male) who is to go to school

Illustration of a person (woman) who is to go to school

Illustration of a person (man) who comes to work

Illustration of a woman leaving the office on time