
Illustration of runny nose (woman)

Illustration of nosebleed (woman)

Illustration of a man with a runny nose

Illustration of ear pain and otitis medium (grandmother)

Illustration of ear pain and otitis in the middle (man)

Illustration of itching and pain in the eyes (old father)

Illustration of itching and pain (woman) in the eyes

Illustration of itching and pain (grandmother) in the throat

Illustration of itching and pain (woman) in the throat

Illustration of ear pain and otitis middle (woman)

Illustration of itching and pain (grandmother) in the eyes

Illustration of itching and pain (man) in the eyes

Illustration of itching and pain (old father) in the throat

Illustration of itching and pain in the throat (man)

Illustration of a woman wearing glasses to combat hay fever

Illustration of allergic conjunctivitis and hay fever (man)

Illustration of allergic rhinitis (old father)

Illustration of allergic rhinitis (man)

Illustration of a running businessman and office worker (man)

Illustration of a man wearing glasses to combat hay fever

Illustration of allergic conjunctivitis and hay fever (woman)

Illustration of allergic rhinitis (grandmother)