
Illustration of a confident woman

Illustration of a confident man

Illustration of a man who commits fundraising fraud

Illustration of a person (female) who commits fundraising fraud

Illustration of a man who is raising money

Illustration of a person (female) who raises money

Illustration of parent and child asking Santa Claus for a present

Illustration of parent and child asking Santa Claus for a present

Illustration of Santa Claus receiving a request for a present

Illustration of a man repairing a smartphone

Illustration of a woman repairing a smartphone

Illustration of a grandfather firing a missile

Illustration of a grandfather firing a missile

Illustration of a man (male) launching a missile

Illustration of a woman firing a missile

Illustration of a grandfather firing a missile

Illustration of a grandfather firing a missile

Illustration of a man (male) launching a missile

Illustration of a woman firing a missile

Illustration of a man wearing glasses in front of a mirror

Illustration of a woman wearing glasses in front of a mirror

Illustration of a woman wearing glasses in front of a mirror