
Illustration of a woman facing a high hurdle

Illustration of a person (male) facing a high hurdle

Illustration of a woman jumping over a low hurdle

Illustration of a man jumping over a low hurdle

Illustration of a man jumping over a low hurdle

Illustration of a woman jumping over a low hurdle

Illustration of a man climbing a wall

Illustration of a woman climbing a wall

Illustration of a man climbing a wall

Illustration of a woman climbing a wall

Illustration of a man climbing a wall

Illustration of a woman climbing a wall

Illustration of a man climbing a wall

Illustration of a woman climbing a wall

Illustration of a man facing barriers and trials

Illustration of a woman who faces barriers and trials

Illustration of a man (grandfather) who emits waves

Illustration of a wave-emitting person (grandmother)

Illustration of a woman with waves

Illustration of a man with waves

Illustration of a man with waves

Illustration of a woman with waves