
Illustration of a person (male) rejoicing in a birthday cake

Illustration of a woman studying all night

Illustration of a man studying all night

Illustration of a man reading a book

Illustration of a person (woman) who reads a book

Illustration of a woman drumming at a festival

Illustration of a man drumming at a festival

Illustration of a woman studying late at night

Illustration of a man studying late at night

Illustration of people watching a baseball game

Illustration of a child (girl) standing upright

Illustration of an upright child (boy)

Illustrations of people watching American football and rugby games

Illustration of people watching a soccer game

Illustration of a woman who uses ATMs

Illustration of a man using an ATM

Illustrationof people in a line

Illustration of a person (grandmother)

Illustration of an upright person (old man)

Illustration of an upright person (male)

Illustration of an upright person (woman)

Illustration of a thief (male)