
Illustration of a child (girl) asking a police officer for directions

Illustration of a child (a boy) asking a police officer for directions

Illustration of a man asking for help over the phone

Illustration of a male police officer pointing a handgun at a criminal

Illustration of a female police officer pointing a handgun at a criminal

Illustration of a police officer (female) and a robber (male) engaged in a shootout

Illustration of a police officer (male) and robber (male) engaged in a shootout

Illustration of a woman asking for help over the phone

Illustration of a woman talking on the phone

Illustration of a person (male) talking on a smartphone

Illustration of a security guard (male) organizing traffic

Illustration of a security guard (woman) organizing traffic

Illustration of a security guard (woman) organizing traffic

Illustration of a security guard (male) organizing traffic

Illustration of a police officer (male) saluteing in front of a police box

Illustration of a police officer (woman) saluteing in front of a police box

Illustration of a high school girl and junior high school girl wearing a jersey under a skirt

Illustration of a high school girl and junior high school girl wearing a jersey under a skirt

Illustration of a high school girl and junior high school girl wearing loose socks

Illustration of a high school girl and junior high school girl wearing loose socks

Illustration of high school and junior high school girls wearing gym clothes

Illustration of male high school and junior high school boys wearing gym clothes