
Illustration of a woman who is paired

Illustration of a man who is paired

Illustration of a woman who is paired

Illustration of a sneezing person (man)

Illustration of a sneezing person (woman)

Illustration of a man who has a cold and cools his head

Illustration of a woman who has a cold and cools her head

Illustration of a yawning person (female)

Illustration of a yawning man

Illustration of a man who smells on the side

Illustration of a woman who smells on the side

Illustration of a man who smells on the side

Illustration of a woman who smells on the side

Illustration of a woman who swings with a watermelon split

Illustration of a man who swings with a watermelon split

Illustration of a man who succeeded in splitting watermelons

Illustration of a woman who succeeded in cracking watermelon

Illustration of high school and junior high school girls wearing sailor clothes

Illustration of male high school and junior high school students wearing school runs

Illustration of a high school girl and junior high school girl wearing a blazer

Illustration of a male high school student and a junior high school boy wearing a blazer

Illustration of a male high school student and a male junior high school student standing up and saluting