
Illustration of a woman who looks up

Illustration of a man dressed up

Illustration of a woman who looks up

This is an illustration of a high school and junior high school student couple holding an umbrella.

Illustration of a high school student couple and a junior high school student couple holding an aigo umbrella

Illustration of a high school student couple and a junior high school student couple holding an aigo umbrella

Illustration of an elderly couple holding an umbrella

Illustration of couple with a combination umbrella

Illustration of a couple holding an umbrella

Illustration of a couple of high school and junior high school students holding an umbrella

Illustration of couple with a combination umbrella

Illustration of a tearful person (male)

Illustration of a woman in tears

Illustration of a tearful person (male)

Illustration of a woman in tears

Illustration of the person (grandmother) who had a brilliant idea

Illustration of the person (grandfather) who had a brilliant idea

Illustration of the person (female) who was inspired by the idea

Illustration of the person (male) who had a brilliant idea

Illustration of a crying man (a man in a suit)

Illustration of a crying person (a woman in a suit)

Illustration of a crying man