
Illustration of an obstacle race player (male)

Illustration of a person (female) who encountered a sea turtle in the sea

Illustration of a man who encountered a sea turtle in the sea

Illustration by Taro Urashima (Male)

Illustration of sharks

Illustration of sea turtles
Illustration of fish swimming in the sea

Treasure Chest Illustrations

Illustration of a person (female) discovering a treasure at sea

Illustration of a man discovering a treasure in the sea

Illustration of a man who is surprised to encounter a shark in the sea

Illustration of a person (female) surprised to encounter a shark in the sea

Illustration of a woman who is snarled during sleep

Illustration of a man who is snarled during sleep

Illustration of a man drowning in the sea

Illustration of a lifesaver (male) performing a water rescue

Illustration of a man who defeats a hurdle in a hurdle run

Illustration of a woman who defeats a hurdle in a hurdle run

Illustration of a woman who fails a baton toss in a relay run

Illustration of a man who fails a baton toss in a relay run

Illustration of a player (female) passing the baton in a relay run

Illustration of a male player passing the baton in a relay run