
Illustration of a boss (woman) who gets angry with her finger

Illustration of a man who is surprised to see the documents

Illustration of a woman who is surprised to see the documents

Illustration of a woman who feels palpitations and anxiety

Illustration of a man who feels palpitations and anxiety

Illustration of a woman organizing documents

Illustration of a man organizing documents

Illustration of a woman explaining his/her work

Illustration of a man explaining his job

Illustration of a struggling office worker (male)

Illustration of a struggling office worker (female)

Illustration of a violent boss (woman)

Illustration of a boss (male) who is violent

Illustration of a boss (male) to monitor

Illustration of a boss (woman) to monitor

Illustration of people and company animals working like an army

Illustration of people working like an army, company animals (women)

Illustration of a man walking with his hands and legs waving wide

Illustration of people working like an army, company animals (men)

Illustration of a woman walking with her hands and legs waving wide

Illustration of people on commuter train

Illustration of people (women) on a commuter train