Fail Illustration of a female high school and junior high school student getting a 0 score on a test and getting depressed
School Illustration of a high school girl and junior high school girl celebrating getting 100 points on a test
Light vehicle Illustration of high school girls and junior high school girls commuting to school by bicycle
School Illustration of a high school girl and junior high school girl falling in love with a classmate
School Illustration of a male high school student and a junior high school boy falling in love with a classmate
School Illustration of a high school girl and junior high school girl spinning a basketball on her finger
School Teamwork, illustrations of high school girls and junior high school girls with their shoulders crossed
School Illustration of a male high school student and a male junior high school student arguing with a female student
School Illustrations of female high school and junior high school students arguing with male students
Affection This is an illustration of a high school and junior high school student couple holding an umbrella.
School Illustration of a high school student couple and a junior high school student couple holding an aigo umbrella
School Illustration of a high school student couple and a junior high school student couple holding an aigo umbrella
Affection Illustration of a couple of high school and junior high school students holding an umbrella
School Illustration of Sukeban (female high school and junior high school girls) holding a bamboo sword
School Illustration of high school and junior high school girls taking pictures of themselves with smartphones
It Illustration of a high school girl and junior high school girl taking a picture of herself with a smartphone