
Illustration of a woman eating fashionable food

Illustration of a woman who thinks about the dish to order

Illustration of a man who thinks about cooking to order

Illustration of a sandwich-eater (old man)

Illustration of a sandwich-eater (male)

Illustration of a sandwich-eater (male)

Illustration of an old man who eats sandwiches

Illustration of a sandwich-eater (female)

Illustration of a sandwich-eater (female)

Family (woman) illustration enjoying a meal at a restaurant

Family (man) illustration enjoying a meal at a restaurant

Illustration of a man eating a sandwich in the toilet

Illustration of a man eating in the toilet

Illustration of a man eating a sandwich in the toilet

Illustration of a woman eating a sandwich in the toilet

Illustration of a woman eating in the toilet

Illustration of a woman eating a sandwich in the toilet

Illustration of a woman eating in the toilet