Illustration of a man who had farts

Illustration of a woman with farts

Illustration of a person (woman) who operates a smartphone while walking

Illustration of a man who operates a smartphone while walking

Illustration of a desperate woman

Illustration of a man who despairs

Illustration of a woman who runs away

Illustration of a man running away

Illustration of a man who does farts

Illustration of a woman who does farts

Illustration of a woman in a wheelchair

Illustration of a man in a wheelchair

Illustration of a walking person (woman)

Illustration of a walking person (male)

Illustration of a dental clinic

Illustration of a woman who is treated at a dental clinic

Illustration of a man receiving treatment at a dental clinic

Illustrations of people lining up at ATMs

Illustration of black company, long working hours (woman)

Illustration of black company and long working hours (man)

an illustration of a hand writing on paper