
Illustration of off-limits (woman)

Illustration of falling object caution (man)

Illustration of falling object attention (woman)

Illustration of a man who came to work late

Illustration of a woman who came to work late

Illustration of a person (woman) falling due to road surface freezing

Illustration of a person (man) who falls and hits his head

Illustration of a person (man) who falls and hits his head

Illustration of a person (man) falling due to road surface freezing

Illustration of a woman hitting her head after falling over

Illustration of a woman hitting her head after falling over

Illustration of a stumbling person (man)

Illustration of a stumbling person (woman)

Illustration of a thin model (man)

Illustration of a thin person (man)

Illustration of a skinny model (woman)

Illustration of a thin person (woman)

Illustration of breast (male)

Illustration of breast (female)

Illustration of a man hiding under a desk in an earthquake

Illustration of a woman hiding under a desk in an earthquake

Illustration of vertigo (man)