
Illustration of vertigo (woman)

Illustration of facial bone fracture (man)

Illustration of facial bone fracture (woman)

Illustration of a woman smoking a cigarette in the toilet

Illustration of a man smoking a cigarette in the toilet

Illustration of an elderly man with dementia

Illustration of an elderly woman with dementia

Illustration of a woman carrying heavy baggage

Illustration of a man carrying heavy baggage

Illustration of a tight waist (man)

Illustration of a man carrying heavy baggage

Illustration of a tight waist (woman)

Illustration of a woman carrying heavy baggage

Illustration of the prohibited mark

Illustration of Dehydration (man)

Illustration of a faller (man)

Illustration of a faller (woman)

Illustration of a man who eats fast

Illustration of a man with food stuck in his throat

Illustration of a child (male) using a smartphone during a meal

Illustration of eating and drinking and hyperecoaging (woman)

Illustration of a woman with food stuck in her throat