
Illustration of a school child defender (woman) wearing a green hat and clothes

Illustration of a school child defender (woman)

Illustration of a man calling the police over the phone

Illustration of a man calling an ambulance on the phone

Illustration of an elderly man talking to a con artist on the phone

Illustration of a con artist and a woman talking on the phone

Illustration of a man talking to a con artist on the phone

Illustration of an elderly woman talking to a scammer on the phone

Illustration of a woman calling an ambulance on the phone

Illustration of a woman calling the police over the phone

Illustration of a person (woman) posing with a gun on her head

Illustration of a man posing with a gun on his head

Illustration of a man vomiting

Illustration of a person vomiting (woman)

Illustration of a man vomiting painfully

Illustration of a person (woman) vomiting painfully

Illustration of a man who speaks with a megaphone

Illustration of a woman who speaks with a megaphone

Illustration of a man who is violent

It is an illustration of a person (woman) who is violent.

Illustration of a man who raises his hands and is surprised

Illustration of a woman who is surprised with her hands up