
Illustration of a male police officer asking a job question

Illustration of a middle-aged man who is asking a job question

Illustration of a male police officer asking a job question

Illustration of a female police officer asking a job question

Illustration of a couple who have a traffic accident

Illustration of an elderly couple who caused a traffic accident

Illustration of a car and driver (elderly couple) surprised to sense danger

Illustration of a car encountered in a traffic accident

Illustration of a stumbling man (male)

Illustration of a stumbling block (female)

Illustration of a man with a broken leg

Illustration of a person (female) with a broken leg

Illustration of a man asking for help over the phone

Illustration of a woman asking for help over the phone

Illustration of a police officer (male) doing traffic control

Illustration of a police officer (female) doing traffic control

Illustration of a police officer (male) asking for a stationary

Illustration of a police officer (woman) asking for a stationary

Illustration of a man into the grass

Illustration of a man (male) urinating outside the toilet bowl

Illustration of a man who in the toilet

Illustration of a person (female) who is surprised to be given an enema