
Illustration of a man who slips and falls

Illustration of a woman who dropped a plate and broke it

Illustration of a man who dropped a plate and broke it

Illustration of the person who sees the watch

Illustration of a person riding a crowded train

Illustration of a person riding a crowded train

Illustration of a man who moves quietly

Illustration of a woman who moves quietly

Illustration of a woman who is about to fumit a dog’s dung

Illustration of a man (male) about to eat dog poop

Illustration of a man who is about to fumit a dog’s dung

Illustration of a woman who is about to fumit a dog’s dung

Illustration of a man using a smartphone while walking

Illustration of a woman using a smartphone while walking

Illustration of a woman using a smartphone while walking

Illustration of a man using a smartphone while walking

Illustration of a man picking up a lost object

Illustration of a woman picking up a lost object

Illustration of Food Poisoning O-157 (Female)

Illustration of Food Poisoning O-157 (Female)

Illustration of a man helping a person

Illustration of a person (woman) who helps a person