Facial expressions and gestures

Illustration of customer support telephone operator call center (male) listening to complaints

Illustration of impatient customer support, telephone operator, call center (male)

Illustration of impatient customer support, telephone operator, call center (female)

Illustration of customer support telephone operator call center (male) wondering

Illustration of customer support telephone operator call center (female) wondering

Illustration of grieving customer support telephone operator call center (female)
Illustration of grieving customer support telephone operator call center (male)

Illustration of customer support telephone operator call center (female) in need

Illustration of customer support telephone operator call center (male) in need

Angry Customer Support Telephone Operator Call Center (Female) Illustration

Illustration of a person (male) who rejoices

Illustration of a person who rejoices (female)

Illustration of a woman who poses strangely

Illustration of a man in a strange pose

Illustration of a woman who poses strangely

Illustration of a man in a strange pose

Illustration of a person (grandmother) praying with her hands together

Illustration of a person (grandfather) praying with his hands together

Illustration of a woman praying with her hands together

Illustration of a man praying with his hands together

Illustration of a surprised person (woman)

Illustration of a surprised person (woman)