Facial expressions and gestures

Illustration of a woman who laughs with her stomach in her arms

Illustration of a man who laughs with his stomach in his arms

Illustration of a thinker (female)

Illustration of a thinker (male)

Illustration of a thinker (female)

Illustration of a thinker (male)

Illustration of a person (woman) who despises, troublesome, and looks down

Illustration of a contempt, troublesome, condescending person (male)

Illustration of a person (woman) who despises, troublesome, and looks down

Illustration of a contempt, troublesome, condescending person (male)

Illustrations of various expressions of children (girls) 4

Illustrations of various expressions of children (girls) 3

Illustrations of various expressions of children (girls) 2

Illustration of various expressions of children (girls) 1

Illustrations of various expressions of children (boys) 4

Illustrations of various expressions of children (boys) 3

Illustrations of various expressions of children (boys) 2

Illustration of various expressions of children (boys) 1

3 illustrations of various facial expressions of babies

2 illustrations of various facial expressions of babies

1 illustration of various facial expressions of babies

4 illustrations of the various facial expressions (long hair) of the old man