Facial expressions and gestures

Illustration of hyperperspirat disease (man)

Illustration of hyperperspirat disease (woman)

Illustration of hyperperspirat disease (woman)

Illustration of noise, people blocking ears, auditory hypersensitivity (girls)

Illustration of a person who blocks noise and ears, hypersensitivity to hearing (man)

Illustration of a spitting person (grandmother)

Illustration of people who block noise and ears, hypersensitivity to hearing (boys)

Illustration of a person who blocks noise and ears, hypersensitivity to hearing (woman)

Illustration of a spitting person (old man)

Illustration of a spitting person (man)

Illustration of a child (girl) who mysteriously

Illustration of a spitting person (woman)

Illustration of a mysterious child (boy)

Illustration of a panicked person (man)

Illustration of a panicked person (woman)

Illustration of a woman who wakes up

Illustration of a man who wakes up

Illustration of a woman who regrets losing a match

Illustration of a man who is happy to win a game

Illustration of a man who regrets losing a game

Illustration of a woman who is happy to win a match

Illustration of motivated and motivated (man)