Facial expressions and gestures

Illustration of a man with a runny nose

Illustration of a running businessman and office worker (man)

Illustration of a running businesswoman and office worker (woman)

Illustration of facial paralysis and facial nerve palsy (old man)

Illustration of facial paralysis and facial nerve palsy (grandmother)

Freckles (man) Illustration

Freckles (woman) Illustration

Illustration of a woman waiting in turn in the toilet

Illustration of a man comforting a child

Illustration of a man waiting in turn in the toilet

Illustration of a woman comforting a child

Illustration of a woman trying to open a door that doesn’t open

Illustration of a woman trying to open a door that doesn’t open

Illustration of a man trying to open a door that doesn’t open

Illustration of a man trying to open a door that doesn’t open

Illustration of a man who sighs

Illustration of a woman who sighs

Illustration of a problem child (girl)

Illustration of crying child (girl)

Illustration of a problem child (boy)

Illustration of crying child (boy)

Illustration of a child (boy) crying at the end of a parent’s quarrel