Facial expressions and gestures

Illustration of a woman who sighs

Illustration of a woman with a loud voice with her hand on her mouth

Illustration of a man with his hands on his mouth and a loud voice

Illustration of a man waving a big hand

Illustration of a woman waving a big hand

Illustration of a woman waving her hand with both hands

Illustration of a man waving his hand with both hands

Illustration of a man waving a small hand

Illustration of a small person (woman) waving her hand

Illustration of a man raising his hand in a small way

Illustration of a woman raising her hand in a small way

Illustration of a person (a woman in a suit) who does a gesture with a sign

Illustration of a man in a suit who does a gesture with a sign

Illustration of a woman who raises her hand high and puts her heart into it

Illustration of a man who raises his hand high and puts his heart into it

Illustration of a man who raises his hands and is surprised

Illustration of a woman who is surprised with her hands up

Illustration of a man jumping in surprise with an insect

Illustration of a woman who jumps in surprise with insects

Illustration of a woman who is surprised

Illustration of a man who is surprised

Illustration of Grandma’s Face Winking