Facial expressions and gestures

Illustration of a man who thinks

Illustration of a woman who thinks

Illustration of a sad baby’s face

Illustration of angry baby’s face

Illustration of the face of a troubled baby

Illustration of the face of a man in trouble

Illustration of a sparkling baby’s face

Illustration of a shimmering man’s face

Illustration of a baby’s face laughing

Illustration of a man’s face laughing

Illustration of the grandmother’s smile

Illustration of a baby’s smile

Illustration of a man’s smile

Illustration of a woman who raises a warning while shaking her finger

Illustration of a man who raises a warning while shaking his finger

Illustration of a person (in plain clothes) who celebrates his success by doing Banzai

Illustration of a woman who signs her thumb downwards

Illustration of a man who signs his thumb down (Thumb-down)

Illustration of a person (woman) emphasizing a force kobu

Illustration of a man who emphasizes a force hump

Illustration of a man with abdominal pain

Illustration of a woman with abdominal pain