
Teamwork, illustrations of male high school students and male junior high school students crossing their shoulders

Teamwork, illustrations of high school girls and junior high school girls with their shoulders crossed

Teamwork and illustrations of people folded shoulders

Teamwork and illustrations of people folded shoulders

Illustration of a woman drumming at a festival

Illustration of a man drumming at a festival

Illustration of parent and child asking Santa Claus for a present

Illustration of parent and child asking Santa Claus for a present

Illustration of Santa Claus receiving a request for a present

Illustration of a circus leader (female)

Illustration of a circus leader (male)

Illustration of a circus leader

Illustration of a man (male) swinging in the air

Illustration of a woman swinging in the air

Clown illustration with balloons

Clown illustration acting in circus

Clown illustration acting in circus

Illustration of drum major (female) of marching band

Illustration of drum major (male) of marching band

Illustration of a marching band player (woman) playing a large drum

Illustration of a marching band player (female) playing a tuba

Illustration of a marching band player (female) playing a trumpet