
Illustration of a marching band player (male) playing a tuba

Illustration of a marching band player (male) playing a trumpet

Illustration of a marching band player (male) playing a small drum

Illustrations of children enjoying the party

Illustrations of children enjoying the party

Illustrations of children enjoying a Christmas party

Illustration of a child (girl) who doubts the identity of Santa Claus

Illustration of a child (boy) who doubts the identity of Santa Claus

Illustration of Santa Claus giving presents to children

Illustration of Santa Claus (man) who dropped the axe

Illustration of Santa Claus (woman) who dropped the axe

Illustration of Santa Claus running

Illustration of Santa Claus giving presents to children

Illustration of Santa Claus giving presents to children

Illustration of Santa Claus (man) disguised by his father

Illustration of Santa Claus giving presents to children

Illustration of Santa Claus putting a present at the bedside

Illustration of Santa Claus walking quietly

Illustration of Santa Claus (Woman) disguised by her mother

Illustration of Santa Claus falling from the chimney

Reindeer and Santa Claus Illustrations

Illustration of Santa Claus waved from the top of a sled