Olympic and Paralympic Games

Illustration of a wheelchair tennis player (man) hitting a ball with a backhand

Illustration of a wheelchair tennis player (woman) hitting a ball with a backhand

Illustration of a wheelchair tennis player (man) who hits a serve

Illustration of a wheelchair tennis player (woman) who hits a serve

Illustration of a wheelchair rugby player (man)

Illustration of a wheelchair rugby player (woman)

Illustration of a wheelchair fencing player playing a game

Illustration of a wheelchair basketball player (man) dribbling

Illustration of a wheelchair basketball player (woman) dribbling

Illustration of a wheelchair basketball player (man) hitting a shot

Illustration of a wheelchair basketball player (woman) hitting a shot

Illustration of a cyclist (man) at the Paralympics

Illustration of Taekwondo (man) at the Paralympic Games

Illustration of Taekwondo (man) at the Paralympics

Illustration of taekwondo (woman) at the Paralympic s

Illustration of Paralympic swimmers (women)

Illustration of a Paralympic table tennis player (a woman in a wheelchair)

Illustration of a Paralympic table tennis player (a man in a wheelchair)

Illustration of Paralympic swimmers (men)

Illustration of a sitting volleyball player (man) raising a toss

Illustration of a sitting volleyball player (woman) raising a toss

Illustration of a sitting volleyball player (man)