Olympic and Paralympic Games

Illustration of a high-flying player (woman) with a prosthetic leg

Illustration of a long jump player (man) with a prosthetic leg

Illustration of a long jump player (woman) with a prosthetic leg

Illustration of a relay player (woman) with a prosthetic leg

Illustration of a track and field athlete (man) in a competitive wheelchair

Illustration of a track and field athlete (man) with a prosthetic leg

Illustration of a track athlete (woman) with a prosthetic leg

Illustration of an archery player (man) sitting in a chair

Illustration of an archery player (woman) sitting in a chair

Illustration of a wrestling player (man) making a tackle

Illustration of a wrestling player (woman) making a tackle

Illustration of a wrestling player (man) playing a match

Illustration of a wrestling player (woman) playing a match

Illustration of a running rugby player (woman)

Illustration of a running rugby player (man)

Illustration of a boxing player (man) sparring

Illustration of a boxing player (man) guarding

Illustration of a softball player (woman) hitting the ball

Illustration of a baseball pitcher (woman)
Illustration of a hurdle runner (man)

Illustration of a basketball player (woman)