
Illustration of a woman training on a butterfly machine

Illustration of a woman exercising with a cross trainer

Illustration of a man exercising with a cross trainer

Illustration of a man training on a rat pull-down machine

Illustration of a woman training on a rat pull-down machine

Illustration of people exercising on fitness bike

Illustration of a man exercising on a fitness bike

Illustration of a woman exercising on a fitness bike

Illustration of a man jumping rope

Illustration of a jump rope person (female)

Illustration of a boxing champion (male)

Illustration of a boxing champion (female)

Illustration of a boxing champion (male)

Illustration of a boxing champion (female)

Illustration of women doing group gymnastics

Illustration of men doing kumi gymnastics

Illustration of men doing kumi gymnastics

Illustration of women doing group gymnastics

Illustration of a man running on a running machine

Illustration of people running on a running machine

Illustration of a woman running on a running machine

Illustration of a player (female) protesting against the referee