
Illustration of a referee (male) making a yellow card

Illustration of a woman kicking a soccer ball

Illustration of a man kicking a soccer ball

Illustration of speed skaters (men)

Illustration of speed skater (male)

Illustration of speed skater (male)

Illustration of speed skater (male)

Illustration of a man who is poised for the start dash

Illustration of a woman who is poised for a start dash

Illustration of a man making a 勪

Illustration of a military officer (woman) making a 匎

Illustration of a woman making a swat-forward

Illustration of a military officer (male) making a

Illustration of a man who is poised to start running

Illustration of a woman who is poised to start running

Illustration of referee (male) blowing whistle

Illustration of a whistle blower (woman)

Illustration of a whistle blower (woman)

Illustration of referee (woman) blowing whistle

Illustration of a whistle blower (male)

Illustration of a whistle blower (male)

Illustration of a woman commuting by bicycle