
Illustration of a clinical laboratory technician (female)

Illustration of a cold and freezing person (grandmother)

Illustration of a cold and freezing person (grandfather)

Illustration of a man who freezes in the cold

Illustration of a cold and freezing person (woman)

Illustration of a man suffering from abdominal pain

Illustration of a person (female) suffering from abdominal pain

Illustration of a man (male) who has been a good doctor

Illustration of a person (female) who has been a good doctor

Illustration of a patient (female) who hits a doctor with a bad reputation

Illustration of a patient (male) who hits a doctor with a bad reputation

Illustration of a person (female) wearing a face shield

Illustration of a man wearing a face shield

Illustration of a woman wearing a pink mask

Illustration of a man wearing a black mask

Illustration of a woman wearing a mask

Illustration of a man wearing a mask

Illustration of people sitting at intervals

Illustration of people sitting at intervals

Illustration of an old man (woman) with a broken leg

Illustration of a woman with a broken leg

Illustration of an old man with a broken leg