
Illustration of a patient (male) talking to a doctor

Illustration of a patient (female) talking with a doctor

Illustration of a woman receiving intravenous treatment

Illustration of a man receiving intravenous treatment

Illustration of a woman receiving drip treatment

Illustration of a man receiving drip treatment

Illustration of a man who is hospitalized with a fracture

Illustration of a woman who is hospitalized with a fracture

Illustration of a patient (grandmother) talking with a nurse

Illustration of a patient (grandfather) talking with a nurse

Illustration of a patient (female) talking with a nurse

Illustration of a patient (male) talking with a nurse

Illustration of a virus

Illustration of a person (male) who does not want to go to the hospital

Illustration of a person (female) who does not want to go to the hospital

Illustration of abdominal pain (female)

Illustration of Abdominal Pain (Male)

Illustration of depression (male)

Illustration of depression (woman)

Illustration of a student (male) suffering from bullying

Illustration of a student (girl) suffering from bullying

Illustration of a person (female) who suffers from bullying