
Illustration of a person (female) who married a wonderful husband

Illustration of a man (male) married to a wonderful wife

Illustration of a man who joined a good company

Illustration of a woman who joined a good company

Illustration of a man (male) who has been a good doctor

Illustration of a person (female) who has been a good doctor

Illustration of a child (female) with lovely parents

Illustration of a child (male) with lovely parents

Illustration of a person (male) who is happy to be a subordinate of a nice boss

Illustration of a person (female) who is happy to be a subordinate of a nice boss

Illustration of a boss (female) who ends up working with an excellent subordinate

Illustration of a boss (male) who ends up working with a talented subordinate

Illustration of a dependable person (male)

Illustration of a dependable person (female)

Illustration of a dependable person (female)

Illustration of a dependable person (male)

Illustration of a person (woman) posing gutsy

Illustration of a person (man) posing gutsy

Illustration of a person (woman) posing gutsy

Illustration of a person (man) posing gutsy

Illustration of a banzai (grandmother)

Illustration of a banzai player (grandfather)