
Illustration of a man jumping over a low hurdle

Illustration of a woman jumping over a low hurdle

Illustration of a man who achieved his or her goal at work

Illustration of a woman who achieved her goal at work

Illustration of a woman who succeeded in reaching the top of the mountain

Illustration of a man (male) who succeeded in reaching the top of the mountain

Illustration of a man (male) biting a medal

Illustration of a woman biting a medal

Illustration of a woman biting a medal

Illustration of a man (male) biting a medal

Illustration of a man (male) biting a medal

Illustration of a woman biting a medal

Illustration of a long-aged person (woman)

Illustration of a long-aged person (male)

Illustration of a long-aged person (male)

Illustration of a long-aged person (woman)

Illustration of a person (male) who is awarded a certificate of commendation

Illustration of a woman who is awarded a certificate of commendation

Illustration of a woman who is very rich and has succeeded in investing

Illustration of a rich man who won the lottery (grandmother)

Illustration of a rich man who won the lottery

Illustration of a man who is very rich and has succeeded in investing