
Illustration of moving and luggage arrangement (male)

Illustration of a man wiping a table

Illustration of a woman wiping a table

Illustration of a grandfather in an apron

Illustration of an apron-wearing person (grandmother)

Illustration of a man in an apron

Illustration of a woman wearing an apron

Illustration of a man using an air purifier

Illustration of a woman using an air purifier

Illustration of a woman using a lawnmower

Illustration of a man using a lawnmower

Illustration of a post office worker (male) collecting mail

Illustration of a post office worker (woman) collecting mail

Illustration of a person (woman) who can not be organized

Illustration of a person (woman) who is good at organizing and organizing people with a beautiful desk

Illustration of a man who can’t be organized

Illustration of a person (man) who is good at organizing and organizing people with a beautiful desk

Illustration of a person (woman) who hangs laundry and home perpper

Illustration of a man who hangs out laundry and a home perpper

Illustration of a person (man) who separates garbage

Illustration of a woman who wears cardboard and throws it out into garbage

Illustration of a woman who separates garbage