
Illustration of a man folding laundry

Illustration of a man cleaning an air conditioner

Illustration of a woman cleaning the entrance

Illustration of a woman folding laundry

Illustration of a woman cleaning an air conditioner

Illustration of a woman cleaning a ventilation fan and range hood

Illustration of a man cleaning a ventilation fan

Illustration of a man cleaning a ventilation fan and range hood

Illustration of a woman cleaning a ventilation fan

Illustration of a man cleaning the washbas

Illustration of a woman who put detergent and softener in a washing machine

Illustration of a woman cleaning the washbas

Illustration of a man who put detergent and softener in a washing machine

Illustration of a man cleaning the kitchen

Illustration of a woman abandoning a TV

Illustration of a person (woman) lining up shoes

Illustration of a woman cleaning the kitchen

Illustration of a man abandoning a TV

Illustration of a person (male) lining up shoes

Illustration of a woman exchanging light bulbs

Illustration of a woman who gives water to plants

Illustration of ironing person (male)